Oval Makeup Brushes

As always, I’ve renewed my love of cosmetics once again. #1 reason I know this is not just a phase I’m going through? I’m going to college for it. Yep, I’m starting off with a BS in chemistry that will probably lead me to a Masters in cosmetic science and from there I will hopefully get a job! Oh, it’s so lovely when dreams and reality actually cross paths. For now, it gives me an excuse to keep buying makeup brushes.
from artisbrushes.com
On that note, I’ll share what I’ve been obsessing over this past week: oval makeup brushes. It started when I took this makeup quiz, just wanting to feel superior about my love of beauty products. I got the question about the funny little, toothbrush-looking things wrong. *pouty face* Then, I noticed them popping up when I turned to the makeup tutorials section of my explore feed on Instagram! How did these things even work1?
from artisbrush.com
Long story short, the popular and expensive makeup brushes were first debuted by MAC and then on their own as the Artis oval brushes. The brush head has shorter, more tightly packed bristles, which apparently lead to a more even application and should soak up less product. Also, the design was created for personal use, rather than most other brushes that you’d also use to apply makeup to someone else.
from Amazon (sancan)
From what I’ve read of reviews and such, the Artis brushes are well worth their large price tag, however unpractical. This has lead to many dupes- they seem to be the same style, but just not as high quality. A couple complaints I’ve come across about other brands is that they’re a bit stiffer, sometimes streaky, and the plastic between the brush head and handle is too flexible and possibly about to break.

from Amazon (Docolor)
I definitely want to hop on the bandwagon with these brushes! I want to start with a face brush that I can use to apply my foundation, since I haven’t been happy with my stippling brush lately. Hopefully, I can maybe get one or two Artis brushes for my birthday or a holiday (the set of ten is around $400). Otherwise, I might just go ahead and get a set of dupes! I’ve looked into a lot of reviews online and Amazon appears to be a reliable vendor. I’ll link the best ones I’ve found below.

Let me know if you hear anything/have opinions about the latest trend in beauty brushes!


  1. I really not tried these oval makeup brushes! But I wanted to try and to add on my collection. I'll make sure that I got those brushes sooner! :) Thanks for sharing this one and keep posting!

    Makeup Brush Set

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